Fractional CO2 Laser For Stretch Marks Removal Laser Machine Scar Removal Vagina Tighten Laser Fractional
Product Description
CO2 fractional laser effect principle is "focal photothermal effect ". Skin tissue has ability to repair itself. The skin was injury by trauma, but it could heal itself. The wound area is too large, the results of repair of scar formation. The wound is small, the skin can completely recover. Fractional laser every effect to skin only on one of the small region to generate thermal stimulation, retaining portion of skin is not affected, the role of tissue to the skin to stimulate collagen receipt hyperplasia, and no effect of skin tissue can be used as thermal diffusion region, avoid the possibility of thermal injury and other side effects, and can quickly promote skin healing, improve scars, pores and skin firming .
Vaginal tightening laser can improves the inside environment;achieve female private parts to significant lasting firming,nourishing and restoring harmonious sexual life. The laser has a
photo thermal heating effect on collagen in both the vaginal walls and the urethra which causes restructuring and regrowth of the collagen. This results in thickening and tightening of the vaginal walls and urethra to improve atrophy and prevent urine loss.
The main benefit of this treatment for vaginal problems is to improve the quality, strength and health of the vaginal wall. It gently stimulates the production of collagen of the vaginal wall tissue
to improve functionality and restore proper blood flow without producing any harmful side effects
Wavelength: 10600nm
Laser apparatus: Sealed off laser device simulated by direct current
Optical beam quality: TEM00
Spot size: 0.02~0.05mm2
Aiming beam: Red semiconductor laser (635nm, less than 5mw)
Beam transport device: Articulated arm with 7-joint and balance weight
Working mode: Continuous operation
Output Mode: Continuous, single pulse, interval pulse and super pulse
Scan scope: Max 20mmx20mm
Scan graphics: Circle, triangle, square, rectangle,hexagon, ellipse, line
Scanning Mode: Free scan , sequence scan and maximum distance scan
Scanning speed: More than 10m/s
Duration: 1-40W/60W, every 1w is adjustable
Pulse repeat: 1~5000ms, every 1ms is adjustable
Distance: 0.1-2.6mm
Input power: 450VA
Cooling system: Water and air circulation
Environment temperature: 5°C~40°C
Relative humidity: Less than 80%
Power: 220V-250V, 50HZ; 100V-120V,60HZ
To Vaginal
1. Shrink vagina: rapid tightening, constriction, lasting firmness.
2. Beautify vagina: dilute pigment, pink labia.
3. Moist vagina: increase secretion, eliminate dryness.
4. Maintenance vagina: deep rejuvenation, prevent aging.
5. Improve sensitivity.
6. Private health, balance PH, improve the internal environment.
To Skin
Scars/ Acne Scars,
Stretch marks
Brown Spots
Moles/Skin Tags
Pearly Penile Papules
Saggy Skin
Skin Cancer
Sun Damage